
A documentary under constuction to un fold the changes
a project of hypertext on the city which catalogues images of naples in its process of trasformation
Presents visual materials by Valeria Borrelli and Antonio Sacco
it is a personal metaphor of the need of a never ending experiment to study new ways of putting in relation interior-exterior, city-individual
BUILDING SITES : reality in progress
I work on my site trying to tidy up my chaos
Will is on my side in aiming at this end .
You're a building site yourself
I got the meaning and the objective you're in inside it
you live in Naples, you're abing a work on building sites and trasformation,
but you're a center of trasformation, a building sites yourself,you're trying out new relations, and you're producing a work
floor scrapers
Piazza Cavour
building site for the costruction of a park with playground
Unenployment fuels illegal activities and crime and these in turn provent the creation of lawful jobs
Naples, April 18 2005
National Archeological Museum
Museum educational stuff demostrates against trade unions in order to abtain a
steady job and decent work conditions
don't be demagogic
say the truth
you work part time and you want a full-time
but this is a problem wich includes all part time
public workers, not just you
thanks so much
go home
Sparkling sea Underground sea
Ethic not Aesthetics
Ethic, not Aesthetics it's not that we don't want to see the decay of urban area because it is aesthetically ugly,but because it is ethically inacceptable
Naples Harbour
I stay in the south
Piazza Garibaldi underground station, Naples
the man of the coins
the down and outs in the underground
there are a lot of things you don't know about me,
things i'haven't told you.
that I have a family, that I believe there is a god somewhere,
that I was a child that fell in love twice, and both time it didn't bist long
But does it matter at all,
if in the end we find ourselves alone?
What's our memory?
What's our story?
How much of our environment is part of us and how much are we part of it?
Blue inetrior/indoors Blue exeterior/outdoors
The center and the fulness
We have to develop the idea that when you feel lonely you have to rely only on yourselfs,
but even when feel part of a group, the other peaple don't have to feel the pressure of your needs
everyone is a center
Me from my self
via chiaia
Pedestrian precinat under construction
Underground Crossings
Discursus means originally running about
Moves, steps, intrigues
these discoursa fragments canm be called FIGURES
A term wich is not to be intended in a rhetorical sense, butas a choreographic act
Body and Mind
the body is otterly important , I regret not doing much sport when I was younger,
in my twenties, when I used to think that my intellectual growth come first, before anything else, while it's not like that
looking for my unity
Every Drop
the best sentence of the movie
I've seen this afternoon goes:
Every drop of my blood sing our song
shadows and lights generate colours
CANTIERI presenta materiali visivi di VALERIA BORRELLI e ANTONIO SACCO.I cantieri dei lavori in corso nella città di Napoli diventano lo spunto per una riflessione sul rapporto tra città e persona, interno e esterno, artista e ambiente. metafora della necessità di sperimentare sempre se stessi in nuove forme di relazione.